Granite Tiles

Rock House Army Camp – Modera

                                            Rock House army camp is a military base located at Modera which serves as the regimental headquarters of the Sri Lanka Armored Corps of the Sri Lanka Army. The project included the construction…

Granite Tiles

Diyathalawa Army Camp

The Diyathalawa Army Camp is Sri Lanka Army’s military training base in the Uva province. The camp houses military cadets as well as special task forces for all levels of training. Several granite works at the camp have been completed under this project including a wall monument for soldiers, the decorative torch structure at the…

Granite TilesMarble Tiles

Yala Hilton Project

Yala Hilton Hotel is a 7 acre resort developed by the Melwa Group in the southern tourist belt of Sri Lanka. The hotel will host 28 villa accommodations catering to high end tourists. Universal Marble and Granite has been extensively involved in this project which has featured granite and marble in many functional and decorative…

Granite Tiles

Sms Holdings

They have started small company and come to higher growth at present and we have experienced team to undertake and manage the entire packing process, production line under monthly consolidated salaries and if required, manufacturing process such as value addition work, packing are undertaken at piece rate. Project location – Athulkotte Stair case and outdoor…

Granite Tiles

Arcade Independence Square

                                      The Arcade is a plush shopping complex housing top global brands. It is also a symbolic space with renovated historic buildings and coined for it’s close proximity to the venue of independence declaration. The project included…